mandarin - What is the difference between 他, 它, and 她 - Chinese ...
2015年2月16日 · In Old Chinese 它 was also used to write 蛇 ("snake"), which was sometimes a perfect homophone of 它 (although this pronunciation is no longer used for snake in any variety), which led to 它 being used for non-humans, and eventually only for non-living things. Later, usage for non-human animals was reintroduced in simplified Chinese.
etymology - How old are 她,他,它? - Chinese Language Stack …
2022年8月5日 · Using 她 and 它 as pronouns is indeed a rather recent development, mainly by the cohort of May Fourth Movement as a way to mordernise Chinese and make translation of English works easier. The usage of 她 as female third person pronoun was suggested in 1917-1918 by poet Liu Bannong(刘半农) .
Should I use 她 or 它 for 中国? (and/or other countries)
2024年6月14日 · 之: 1. 指代人或事物的名称,相当于他、她、它、他们 [he;her;it;they;them] 2. 指示代词,相当于“其”、“他的”、“其他的” [its;his;other] I have never made an exhaustive study of 其, but it seems to me 其 is at least mostly used in phrases where Western languages would use an oblique case form.
grammar - Would it be correct to use “它” in a sentence like this ...
2017年10月31日 · you should replace 它 with 天。 外面 is used as adv or adj, so 外面 itself is ok. No need 在. the sentence order; you could consider 外面 as 外面(的)天, so 天(S) + 下雪(V)+ 了(C) . 外面(的) serves as an adj. to modify 天. So, either 外面(的)天下雪了 or 外面下雪了 works.
What is the word for "they/them"? - Chinese Language Stack …
2014年9月17日 · 牠 and 它 were merged together. 牠 refers to animals, as you can tell by the radical 牛 (cow). And 它 refers to inanimate objects. And 们 men makes the subject/noun plural. So, in the context of your sentence, No they don't; they only sell stationary, you would use 它们.
meaning - 请审核一下我的想法有什么不对? - Chinese Language …
2024年9月30日 · d选我觉得不正确。图中的a车可以在它的原来的车道行驶,也可以它想变更的那个车道行驶。所以,它按规定车道行驶。 c选是我的问题。a车开启了转向灯。在中间的车道开启转向灯表示它打算变更车道,但它不可以变更车道,所以开启转向灯也不准许。
verbs - What does 有了 mean? - Chinese Language Stack Exchange
2024年12月4日 · 它已经成为我们的能力之一。 it has become one of our abilities. 总的来说, In summary, “有了”是一个简洁明了的表达方式, “有了”is a concise, clear form of expression, 用于描述某物或某种状态的存在或获取。 used to describe something or the existence of some kind of state or acquisition.
常用于词典里的用于分项列举的各项之间的分号有什么意义?它的 …
2021年11月8日 · 你确实可以把"分号"简单理解为"和"。在你的例子里,它的意义就是分割且连接词项,和逗号类似,也完全可以用逗号代替,算是常见于词典里的一种特殊用法(不在词典里的话,你看到的就该是"差错,过错"这样了)。
"She" (她) for inanimate objects in Chinese (?)
2016年4月17日 · Chinese do not have gender for pronoun generally until some writers tried to copy European languages and did some experience on new type of Chinese writing around 1910s and afterwards. In tradition writing, 她 does not exist and everyone writes 他 or its variant 它 for He/She/It/(They). 她 is new invention of that time.
difference - Is there an old way of pronouncing 牠? - Chinese …
2020年7月5日 · 但今天"牠"被作为"它"的异体字,又已渐被淘汰, And "牠" appeared from early vernacular in modern times, using "牛" as ideograms, using "也" as phonogram. And "也"'s ancient pronunciation was "tuo1", so "牠"'s ancient pronunciation shoule be "tuo1" too. And nowadays it's as "它"'s variant character and rarely be used.