  1. Process

    The crystallization process consists of two major events, nucleation and crystal growth which are driven by … 展开

    Crystallization - Wikipedia

    • Crystallization is the process by which solids form, where the atoms or molecules are highly organized into a structure known as a crystal. Some ways by which crystals form are precipitating from a solution, freezing, or more rarely deposition directly from a gas. Attributes of the resulting crystal depend largely on factors such as temperature, air pressure, cooling r… 展开

    In nature

    There are many examples of natural process that involve crystallization.
    Geological time scale process examples include:
    • Natural (mineral) crystal formation (see also … 展开


    Crystal formation can be divided into two types, where the first type of crystals are composed of a cation and anion, also known as a salt, such as sodium acetate. The second type of crystals are composed of uncharged sp… 展开

    Thermodynamic view

    The crystallization process appears to violate the second principle of thermodynamics. Whereas most processes that yield more orderly results are achieved by applying heat, crystals usually form at lower temperatur… 展开


    As mentioned above, a crystal is formed following a well-defined pattern, or structure, dictated by forces acting at the molecular level. As a consequence, during its formation process the crystal is in an environment wh… 展开

    Main crystallization processes

    Some of the important factors influencing solubility are:
    • Concentration
    • Temperature
    • Solvent mixture composition… 展开