What are some examples of solved philosophical problems?
In academia no philosophical problems have been solved. Indeed, the very idea that we might solve one is laughed at. If it were otherwise you would not be asking this question. All philosophical problems are examples of solved problems. It's …
ethics - Why is emotivism unpopular? - Philosophy Stack Exchange
2024年1月17日 · Ayer's emotivism cannot explain moral discourse. This problem is known as the Frege-Geach problem.If a moral sentence (one could say proposition but I don't want to unnecessarily invoke association with entities such as "meanings of sentences") has only the content that asserting it has (like "close the window!"), it is impossible to understand reasoning …
How is logic utilized in constructing ethical arguments?
2015年9月26日 · I don't think formal logic is really necessary for ethics. However, logical reasoning has played a large role in modern ethical thinking, usually expressed in terms of rules for political-social organization of a "just society." Examples include Kant's categorical imperative, Bentham's felicitous calculus, and Rawls' theory of justice.
ethics - Examples for real-world instances of trolley cases ...
2021年2月4日 · What are real life examples that can be applied to formalism? 4. Clarification on two of Marx's writings ...
What ethical problems might be involved in time travel?
2015年8月16日 · personally, i think the physics trumps the ethics. the only time travel we get to do is toward the future. at a rate of 1 second of travel per second, unless we have a black hole hanging out nearby, then you can hop in your spacecraft, take a short little trip around the black hole and find out that your grandchildren have died of old
What are the ethical problems with flipping a coin to decide in the ...
2018年4月25日 · Whether there are ethical problems depends on the premise. If we agree that mankind and its survival has some sense and destination (including unlimited breed, perhaps), then the coin must be left out of the play. Otherwise the coin would also apply when one single human on the one side and the rest of mankind on the other side were concerned.
Does ethical intuitionism solve David Hume's Is-Ought problem?
2025年1月20日 · But ethical intuitionism is based on questionable assertions. The is-ought problem says you can't get to an ought/should through "is" statements, while ethical intuitionism just asserts that you already have a "should". Ethical intuitionism could be said to break down into the following: We have intuitions about what's right and wrong.
terminology - What, if anything, is the difference between ethics …
An ethical analysis would interpret actions and propositions as so many sets of symptoms that express or “dramatize” the mode of existence of the doer or speaker. An ethical analysis seeks to identify different ways of existing and to judge their worth empirically, rather than weigh them abstractly against a set of "universal" values.
kant - What are some realistic situations where Kantian ethics can …
Kant's ethics applies to all situations in which somebody does an intentional action. So looking for a range of 'realistic' - real life, true to life, matter of fact, everyday, &c. - situations to which it applies misses its totally general applicability.
What are examples of moral principles in religions that secular …
2024年8月4日 · Historic examples include christians persecuting jews and various other minorities. Classical examples includes the handling of black persons, both in slave trade and by example Ku-Klux-Clan (which consider themselves to be both religious and having high morals). Modern examples are not too difficult to find either.