Recommended Guinea Pig Vets
2009年11月10日 · Here is a link to recommended vets in several countries: Guinea Lynx :: GL's Vet List 2 Scotland Ashgrove Vets Kevin Barclay 1 Belmont road Aberdeen Aberdeenshire AB253SR 01284486444 Apex Vets Glenn Winchester Avenue Falkirk FK6 6QE 01324 829989 Inglis Veterinary Hospital Romain Pizzi 20 Halbeath Road Fife KY11 4LA 01383 722818 …
A guide to vets fees, insurance and payment support.
2016年3月15日 · Sadly, guinea pigs are often still regarded as cheap short-lived ‘starter pets’ by many people; so finding out that your guinea pig requires a trip to the vet followed by the inevitable bill, can come as a shock to many owners.
veterinary fees - some important information - The Guinea Pig …
2011年3月28日 · Well I paid nothing for 3 years then from April to august 6 of my pigs needed medical / diagnostic treatment with a specialist vet referrals vet , leading to 4 operations (2 spays & 2 lump removals ) - various x-rays and ultrasounds - a course of 6 chiropractor treatments for mr. crumbling spine pig which came to just over £2000 ! - so am glad ...
Monitoring and Management (Underweight & Overweight) - The …
2009年3月10日 · See a vet within 24 hours if a guinea pig is losing this amount within 24 hours (i.e. 'promptly') and step in with syringe feeding top up. If the weight loss is much slower but steady, see a vet during regular opening hours within a week, ideally as soon as you can get an appointment during regular opening hours.
Metacam - The Guinea Pig Forum
2020年1月9日 · The most dog metacam I have been prescribed is 0.75ml once a day for a 1.19kg piggie. That was the 1.5ml/per kg strength but it was adjusted down for a guinea pig. Did the vet work out the dose for you? Don’t go by what the label on the pack says, it needs to be worked out specifically for a guinea pig by the vet.
Impaction: Practical Care and Diet (with videos) | The Guinea Pig …
2012年7月15日 · Dehydration can occasionally contribute to problems with pushing poos out. Please check and refill water bottles daily and ensure that guinea pigs have access to drinkable water at all times, including frosts or extreme heat. Why the need for a vet check? Please always have your boar vet checked promptly when you suspect impaction!
Manually Breaking up Obstruction? - The Guinea Pig Forum
2024年12月14日 · An a caring owner and at the worst time of the year when seeing a vet with guinea pig experience is even more potluck than ever, you have nevertheless done all the right things as an owner and have not failed your boy in any way. A serious gut problem is sadly often something for which there is no cure. It is too complex, narrow and large an organ.
Guinea pig not eating despite dental work
2011年4月8日 · Joined Sep 17, 2009 Messages 15,077 Reaction score 2,532 Points 1,345 Location Never never land
Guinea Pig Fungal Nose Stripe
2019年2月11日 · fungal nose stripe is really common in guinea pig breeds with a smut i.e Himalyayans and Californinans. No one really know why they get it and it is not contagious. I have 4 piggies with smuts and 3 have it and one doesn't. 2 live together and it has not been passed onto the other pig for over a year and a half now.
Tips For Vet Visits - The Guinea Pig Forum
2009年3月10日 · A guinea pig that is losing 100g/ca. 3 oz from one day to the next is a guinea pig that has not eaten or drunk in 24 hours and that needs to be seen by a vet as an absolute life-and-death emergency! Never give more than your guinea pig can swallow.