约 41,300 个结果
  1. Silkie Rooster vs Hen: How To Tell Them Apart

    2022年8月17日 · Silkie rooster combs are typically larger and bulging than hen combs since they are walnut-shaped, so they appear big, wrinkled, and bulging. When compared to the hen's comb, the silkie rooster's comb is the most distinguishing feature of its head. 6. Feet and Legs Feet and legs are also pretty obvious giveaways.

  2. Sapphire gem rooster or hen? - BackYard Chickens

    2021年5月29日 · Hey all I'm new to the raising chickens. I thought I bought all hens but this guy looks different than the other saphire gem I purchased.

  3. can anyone tell the diff from a polish hen to a rooster

    2010年11月3日 · Well, any rooster will have long, curving tail feathers, and saddle feathers. It'll be easy to tell by now. Polish roosters also have long, stringy crests. Hens have big puffy crests. Sounds like you have a hen- a rooster should be crowing by now. By loud- do you mean clucking, or crowing? If it's just clucking, you may get an egg soon.

  4. Barred rock: hen or rooster? - BackYard Chickens

    2013年3月7日 · I'm so sorry, Chick Lovers. My 16 chicks are exactly 15 weeks old too and of them, 3 are barred rock pullets and one is a barred rock cockeral (a young rooster). My barred rock cockeral looks exactly like yours. My 3 barred rock pullets look very different from him, hardly any comb and much smaller.

  5. Black Copper Maran Hen or Rooster? - BackYard Chickens

    2013年2月25日 · This is the second of 3, hen or rooster? Reply. Feb 25, 2013 #7 ve Crowing. 15 Years. Jan 27, 2009 2,147 ...

  6. How do you tell the Light Brahma rooster from the hens?

    2012年11月24日 · These Light Brahmas are about 5 months old, we have a hard time telling the roosters from the hens. Has anyone else had Brahmas that could tell me how to tell the difference? This one is certainly a rooster, I can tell that because of his size, but most look alike.

  7. Light Brahma Hen vs Rooster - BackYard Chickens

    2021年3月5日 · Also noteworthy: My light brahma hen was second to the top female at this age, so she was very dominant. Her name is Minnie but only because my daughter wanted to call her Meanie and I vetoed that. As an adult she is a sweet chicken, just a little head strong and stubborn sometimes.

  8. Sure way to tell the difference between a rooster and a hen

    2011年8月22日 · I watched a video on telling the difference, and one of the main ways is to look at the feet. If it is a rooster, it will have talons. Only roosters have them, hens don't. A talon looks like a fourth toe growing out the side of the leg.

  9. Pics that show the diff between rooster & hen saddle feathers?

    2010年4月7日 · I've got two pegged due to their early comb/wattle development- my Japanese Bantam (I think that's what he is) rooster who is now 7 weeks old had a big red comb at 4 weeks!! Anyway, I keep reading that one of the characteristics of roosters is that they have "pointed saddle feathers" whereas hens will have rounded ones.

  10. Cochin - hen or rooster? Update: Pics added - BackYard Chickens

    2009年2月26日 · Cochins tend to be slower to develop so the spurs may not show up till a little later. My guys didn't have much of a spur to speak of until almost the 2nd year of their lives.