Paulownia - Wikipedia
Paulownia is the mon of the office of prime minister, and also serves as the Government Seal of Japan used by the Cabinet and the Government of Japan (whereas the chrysanthemum is the Imperial Seal of Japan).
Paulownia | The Wood Database (Hardwood)
Paulownia is one of the fastest growing trees in the world, capable of growth rates of well over seven feet per year as a seedling! But while it’s highly appreciated and cultivated in Asia, Paulownia has come to be considered an invasive species in the United States.
Paulownia Wood | Uses, Advantages, and Disadvantages
2022年11月15日 · Paulownia wood is a durable, lightweight, and super sustainable hardwood. It is used in furniture and other products. Paulownia can be very light and soft and it is the second softest wood after Balsa wood. Paulownia wood is native to eastern Asia and it is also known as Royal Paulownia, Princess Tree, Kiri, and Aluminum of Timber.
Paulownia species. Paulownia Elongata - the fastest growing tree
Paulownia elongata (Paulownia Bellissia®, Paulownia Paulemia®, Paulownia T121) is the fastest growing species in genus Paulownia, also known as “emerald tree”. The species is recommended for afforestation and production of timber high quality wood material.
About paulownia trees and paulownia wood | iPaulownia
Paulownia tree is by far the fastest growing hardwood tree in the world, allowing commercial returns within three years. Paulownia is native to Southeast Asia but it is used throughout the World with a number of uses from construction, to wooden surfboards, to bio-fuel.
Paulownia `s history - a unique story that continues to this day
Paulownia 's history dates back centuries. Originally from Southeastern China. Paulownia species are among the fastest growing tree species
Paulownia Wood: Uncover the Advantages of This Versatile …
2025年1月9日 · Paulownia wood stands out as a top choice as we seek greener options. It’s not only light but also strong, making it great for many uses like furniture and building materials. Its benefits are clear from China, where millions of hectares are dedicated to paulownia. It grows quickly, resists moisture, and looks beautiful.
Paulownia - Trees and Shrubs Online
A genus of about eight species of tree (one of hybrid origin), endemic to east Asia; deciduous, or evergreen in tropical areas. Bark grey, smooth, then with very shallow and predominantly vertical fissures exposing the sometimes orange underbark.
American Paulownia Association
Learn about this beautiful and versatile American hardwood! How is it grown? Where is it used? Membership in the American Paulownia Association is open to anyone.
What is Paulownia Wood: Discover the Power of this Versatile …
2024年1月31日 · Paulownia wood is a lightweight and durable timber known for its fast growth and versatility in various applications. This highly sustainable and renewable wood is sourced from the Paulownia tree, which is native to Asia.