Vegetated filter strips (grassed filter strips, filter strips and grassed filters) are vegetated surfaces that treat sheet flow from adjacent surfaces. Filter strips function by slowing stormwater velocities, filtering out sediment and other pollutants, and providing some infiltration into underlying soils.
Filter strips are gently sloping, densely vegetated areas that filter, slow, and infiltrate sheet flowing stormwater. Filter strips are best utilized to treat runoff from roads and highways, roof downspouts, small parking lots, and pervious surfaces.
Vegetative Filter Strips—A Best Management Practice for …
What is a vegetative filter strip (VFS)? A vegetative filter strip (VFS) is an area of vegetation designed to remove sediment and other pollutants from surface water runoff through filtration, deposition, infiltration, adsorption, absorption, decomposition, and/or volatilization.
Filter strips, also known as vegetated bufer strips, are vegetated sections of land superficially similar to grassy swales. One important characteristic of filter strips is that they are essentially flat with low slopes and designed only to accept runof as overland sheet flow.
Vegetated filter strips - LID SWM Planning and Design Guide
Gently sloping, densely vegetated areas that are designed to treat runoff as sheet flow from adjacent impervious surfaces. Filter strips function by slowing runoff velocities and filtering out sediment and other pollutants, and by providing some infiltration into underlying soils.
Vegetated Filter Strips - Geosyntec
2002年1月24日 · Vegetated filter strips, also known as filter strips, grass buffer strips and grass filters, are uniformly graded vegetated surfaces (i.e., grass or close-growing native vegetation) that receive runoff from adjacent impervious areas.
Vegetated Filter Strips (VFS) are zones of vegetation where pollutant-laden runoff is introduced as sheet flow. VFS may take the form of grass filters, grass filter strips, buffer strips, vegetated buffer zones, riparian vegetated buffer strips, and constructed filter strips.
Vegetative filter strips are planted along streams, ponds, and lakes, and are important management tools around sinkholes and agricultural drainage wells. In a properly designed VFS, water...
Vegetated filter strips - Minnesota Stormwater Manual
2023年2月10日 · Vegetated filter strips are a pretreatment Best Management Practice (BMP) designed to remove solids from stormwater runoff. The vegetation can consist of natural and established vegetation communities and can range from turf grass to woody species with native grasses and shrubs.
Vegetated filter strip is a stormwater treatment practice that can be used to remove a variety of pollutants through several removal mechanisms. Vegetated filter strips are typically used as the pre-treatment component to reduce incoming runoff velocity, and filter particulates, and uptake pollutants from the runoff. Channel Protection