约 658,000 个结果
  1. Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) - ZEISS Vision Care

    Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) scan a sample with a focused electron beam and obtain images with information about the samples’ topography and composition.

  2. ZEISS EVO Scanning Electron Microscope - ZEISS Vision Care

    The instruments of the EVO family combine high performance scanning electron microscopy with an intuitive, user-friendly experience that appeals to both trained microscopists and new users.

  3. ZEISS MultiSEM: The World’s Fastest Scanning Electron Microscope

    This unique scanning electron microscope is designed for continuous, reliable 24/7 operation. Simply set up your high-throughput data acquisition workflow and MultiSEM will acquire high-contrast images automatically.

  4. SEM: Zeiss Gemini 560 Scanning Electron Microscope

    These FE-SEMs (field emission scanning electron microscope) combine excellence in imaging and analytics. Innovations in electron optics and a new chamber design let you benefit from better image quality, usability and flexibility. The Gemini 560 utilizes the Gemini 3 column.

  5. ZEISS Sigma Field Emission SEM

    Explore the ZEISS Sigma, the versatile electron microscope designed for all your research needs. Handle various samples with ease and precision. Discover more today!

  6. Zeiss LEO 1550VP FESEM/EDS - Wisconsin Centers for Nanoscale …

    The Zeiss LEO 1550VP is a high-performance Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) equipped with a Schottky type field emission gun, various detectors (in-lens and chamber-mount secondary electron detectors, detector for energy-dispersive x-ray analysis), and e-beam patterning system.

  7. Zeiss Sigma 500 Scanning Electron Microscope - Cornell Center …

    The Zeiss Sigma 500 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) takes the best capabilities of the Keck SEM and enhances them. It is primarily designed to provide high resolution imaging at low and ultra-low accelerating voltages (3keV down to 200eV) using the …

  8. Put AFM performance to work in visualizing 3D topography down to atomic level while measuring a wide range of physical properties. At the same time, you have the advantage of ZEISS Gemini electron optics, tailored to deliver the best results in image quality and sample flexibility.

  9. Zeiss – EVO 60 – Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) | Advanced ...

    2016年10月14日 · Description: This environmental scanning electron microscope is equipped with standard high vacuum (HV) operating mode and extended pressure mode (EP). When used in combination with the EP mode, the stage allows for wet …

  10. Zeiss Merlin High-resolution SEM | Nanousers

    Zeiss Merlin high-resolution scanning electron microscope is a versatile electron beam characterization tool for semiconductor research, life and material sciences. It is capable of high resolution secondary electron imaging with a resolution of 0.8 nm at 15KV and 1.4 nm at 1 kV with in-lens secondary electron detector.