2023年5月20日 · The Minotaur was a hybrid monster (half-bull, half-man) born of the unorthodox union between the queen of Crete and a beautiful bull. The Minotaur was hidden from the world in the Labyrinth, a giant maze, where it was eventually slain by the Athenian hero Theseus.
2022年11月29日 · Nut was the powerful Egyptian goddess of the sky. The mother of a generation of Egyptian deities, including Osiris and Isis, her body supported Ra, the sun, and kept the crushing waters of Nun from drowning the earth.
2023年3月11日 · Argus was a monster whose numerous eyes and ability to survive without sleep earned him the moniker “Panoptes,” meaning “all-seeing.” Hera appointed him the guardian of her husband’s lover Io, whom she had transformed into a cow. But the god Hermes ultimately killed Argus and freed Io.